Gasteratou Evgenia

Psicologa Psicoterapeuta Sistemico Relazionale e Famigliare
Sessuologa Esperta in Educazione Sessuale
Formazione in EMDR e Ipnosi Ericksoniana

Gasteratou Evgenia

Psicologa Psicoterapeuta Sistemico Relazionale e Famigliare
Sessuologa Esperta in Educazione Sessuale
Formazione in EMDR e Ipnosi Ericksoniana

Iscrizione Ordine Psicologi Friuli Venezia Giulia n° 734 sez A

Tel. 3331943005


P.Iva 02484050303

Evgenia Gasteratou was born in Athens, Greece in 1973 and received her degree in Psychology in 2002 in the university of Trieste, Italy.

She has been a psychotherapist since 2009 with a specialization in Family Systems and Couple Therapy. She is Sexologist and Expert in Sex Education, formed in Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing. She has participated in numerous professional continuing education courses.

She worked in Italy and abroad in the diagnostic / rehabilitation field in the developmental age. She currently live and works at Udine as a clinician and mainly deals with consultancy and prevention in childhood / adolescence by collaborating with various educational institutions. She has been a member of the register of Psychologists in Friuli Venezia Giulia since 2005.